T.L. Bodine is the author of RIVER OF SOULS, the Wattpad-exclusive THE HOUND, and many other tales of horror. She's interested in uncanny, fantastic things, and the way real people with real problems interact with them.

When not writing, she can usually be found watching horror movies, playing story-heavy video games, or experimenting in the kitchen.

She lives in New Mexico with her husband, David, and two small dogs.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Strange, Dark Fairytales


To call something a fairytale is, often, to deride it for being optimistic and impractical. A happily-ever-after for one's life is a childish dream. But those who would judge fairytales as the work of wide-eyed dreamers are missing -- or have forgotten -- that the roots of modern horror are planted in the rich soil of those old fairy stories. And there, at the intersection of the sublime and horrific, lie some great truths about human experience. Let's talk about the darkness of fairytales.

Read more: https://tlbodine.substack.com/p/dark-narratives-the-twitterverse